Receipts from: Algorithms To Live By

Algorithms To Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions.

Book Authors: Brian Christian & Tom Griffiths
Published: 2016

Ideas discussed:
What should we do or leave undone in a day or a lifetime?
Alogrithms: Simply put… a finite set of steps.
The Secretary Problem
Optimal Stopping Theory: “37%.”
Explore/exploit: New vs. best so far. Gittin’s index. The multi-armed bandit problem: win-stay, lose-shift. Regret minimisation frameworks. Upper confidence bound alogrithms. Priors. A/B testing Obama.
Scheduling Theory
Sort Theory: The ‘search’ misnomer. Bubble, Insertion, Merge, Bucket, Rough, Tree. Linear vs. quadratic time. Comparison counting. Radix.
Stackoverflow - How to pair socks from a pile efficiently?
Caching Theory: The memory hierarchy. Bélády’s algorithm. Cache eviction. Page faults/Cache misses. LRU. FIFO. The Forgetting Curve…
